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Child Discipline and temper tantrums --- It is NOT about spanking!Child discipline and guidance is an all day, everyday process in a family child care home. You are teaching a child self-control and how to get along with others... Believe me, this can be challenging and frustrating!
Of course there is not just one way to discipline a child. All children are different and what may work for one child's temper tantrums may not work for the next... or one day the method works for the child and the next day forget it! What can you do? Not one single thing! Actually, you'll need to have several different methods of discipline for behavioral problems. What are some of these methods? Lets start with what I will call "Plan A"
Shirley R Wrong has absolutely no child discipline in her child care at all. She has had to line the walls with rubber as a result of all the tantrums. Her philosophy is "they're just kids"! You can see that the lack of child discipline has taken toll on poor Shirley! So what happens when these methods of child discipline fail??? (Because more than likely, they will!)
Time for plan B...!We still want to keep child discipline positive- and that is really hard to do some times!!! There are still going to be fights, temper tantrums, whining, the "MINE!" thing, pushing, jumping on others, biting, grabbing, etc................ AGH!!!!
I have a 3 year old little girl who insists on yanking the toys away from the babies I care for. I have used positive reinforcement with her every day, probably 10 times a day, to help her stop. Many times I will notice her reach forward to grab the toy, then she will stop and retract. But of course this doesn't happen EVERY time, but it is progress. When she still doesn't seem to get the clear and positive message, I will have her take a "time out". She absolutely knows that she is not to yank those toys from the babies, and by having her time out she can take a few minutes to think about it. When her time is up, I talk to her about what she did wrong. Then I will tell her that I still love her, I just don't love what she did. Finally, she needs to tell the baby she is sorry and that she won't take her toy away.
I know that it is very hard to be positive with child discipline, much less think positively at all times! You could put a small reminder on your refrigerator, or get/make a little sign for your wall... It will help with child discipline and prevent some behavioral problems (like temper tantrums) and make your day and the kids' day go that much smoother and happier! Please keep these suggestions in mind when you set up your policies on child discipline. Be sure to discuss your views with the parents and learn what theirs are. This is very important so you can be on the same page with each other. Kids need consistency, not only at your home, but in theirs as well. Be mindful of different cultural opinions on behavior. If your views are not compatible, then you should say no to providing care for this family and refer them to another provider, or to your child care resource and referral agency, or simply and politely decline. During an interview, I have had parents ask me how I felt about spanking children... they wanted me to spank theirs because this was their form of child discipline. I am giving you a heads up! Some may ask you to! See more questions that you need to be on the same page with parents on my
Interviewing Parents page.
Set a good Example!