Child Care Regulations / Certification or License Requirements- Why you should consider this for your business!

Don't let Child care regulations as well as having to obtain a child care certification (in some cities or states) scare you away from becoming a quality child care provider. The regulations are there for the child's safety and protection, as well as for yours. Your local Department of Human Services are there to help you along the way with your child care regulations. If they require that you need a child care certification they will help you with that, too.

Why on earth would you want to hassle with all of these when you can just care for kids with out having to mess with their child care regulations (in some states)???

Let me ask you a simple question...Don't you want to be a professional and sought after child care provider with a successful business?If you do, then I would strongly suggest becoming registered or licensed.

Law book of Registrations Benifits

Here's a fact- when you become a registered/licensed provider, it shows parents that you are a professional and are serious about your business by following child care license requirements.

Through my experiences, the question of whether I am licensed is one of the first things that parents will ask when they call you for daycare. They have a lot of choices when it comes to who is going to be watching their child. You may also become involved with Daycare Assistance programs. You want to be viewed as their best choice, so why not market yourself that way?

What are some other benefits for You?

  • When you follow your states child care regulations, you FEEL like a professional- You have gone the extra mile to provide the best care and safety for children and that is something to be proud of!

  • You will obtain a child care certification (if applicable) or a Licensing certificate to display in your home where parents and family can view it. And when you get yours, show it off proudly and tell them what you had to do to obtain it- it is well deserved!

Child net registration_benifits

  • You may be eligible to participate in your local Child and Adult Food Program (where you get reimbursed for some of the cost of the food you provide the children).

  • They put you on a referral list for parents that are looking for the kind of quality child care that follow child care license requirements... You want YOUR name on their list so you get calls- free advertising!

  • Speaking of free - It's doesn't cost you anything to be state registered or licensed!

  • You will learn so much about child development and meet new people and friends through classes that are offered.

Check out my links below for even more benefits for you.........

old lady on registrations benifits Shirley R. Wrong says "Aaaahhh why bother with all the red tape-I ain't registeered!" She won't tell you she only watches one child and its her cousin Gertrude's kid, and she only makes .39 cents an hour!

So, if you want to be a more "Professional You" as a family child care provider, then please check with your state DHS office for their child care regulations, child care certification, and child care licensing requirements. And go for it!

Below are some of my must read pages/links on this subject.

Its important for you to read through my examples of Registration Requirements.

Then get a good idea of the Benefits of Being Registered!

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